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Report No.

Scattering Profiles of Sparks and Combustibility of Filter against Hot Sparks

Asazuma, Shinichiro ; Okada, Takashi ; Kashiro, Kashio; Matsumoto, Masaki; Nakata, Keiji*; Gonnokami, Kiyomi*; Toda, Rikiya*

The glove-box dismantling facility in the Plutonium Fuel Production Facility is developed to dismantle after-service glove-boxes with remote-controlled devices such as an arm-type manipulator. An abrasive wheel cutter, which is used to size reduce the gloveboxes, generates sparks during operation. This dispersing spark was a problem from the fire prevention point of view. A suitable spark control measures for this operation were required. We developed panels to minimize spark dispersion, shields to prevent the income of sparks to the pre-filter, and incombustible pre-filters. The equipment was tested and effectiveness was confirmed. This report provides the results of these tests.



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