※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


Re-Evaluation of a Method for Monitoring Airborne$$^{14}$$C Discharge and its Contribution to Development of an Advanced Method

小嵐 淳   ; 井坂 圭輔*; 横田 友和*; 小沢 友康*; 三上 智   ; 秋山 聖光; 小林 博英 

Koarashi, Jun; Isaka, Keisuke*; Yokota, Tomokazu*; Kozawa, Tomoyasu*; Mikami, Satoshi; Akiyama, Kiyomitsu; Kobayashi, Hirohide


Some investigations were made for re-evaluating collection and measurement techniques in an airborne $$^{14}$$C discharge monitoring at the Tokai reprocessing plant (TRP), which include (1)collection efficiency of CO$$_{2}$$ in a carbon sampler using monoethanolamine as CO$$_{2}$$ absorbent;(2)affect of incorporating tritiated water into the carbon sampler on quantitative estimation of $$^{14}$$C activity in airborne effluent; (3)affect of leakage in air sampling on evaluating airborne $$^{14}$$C discharge; and (4)determination of chemical forms of $$^{14}$$C in airborne release from the TRP. The results presented not only the validity of the TRP's monitoring method, but also the technical aspects required for establishing a more reliable and effective monitoring method.



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