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PNC型Na中水素検出計1号機(小リーク・ナトリウム・水反応試験研究 第14報)

PNC In-sodium hydrogen meter type-1; Studies of small leak sodium water reactions (14)

鐘ヶ江 直道*; 池本 一郎*; 大後 美道; 井上 設生*

Kanegae, Naomichi*; not registered; Daigo, Yoshimichi; not registered


This report describes the PNC In-sodium Hydrogen meter Type-1 which is manufactured for establishment of the optimum design methods of hydrogen meter reported previously. This type-1 meter is now under operating without any troubles in the Small Sodium-Water Reaction Test Facility (SWAT-2) of PNC-Oarai Engineering Center. This report explains the design specifications, the detail constructions and the test results of in-sodium and in-gas tests and also explains several new informations obtained during designing and manufacturing Type-1 meter, as follows, (1)Three basic objects were established, the first one is to make this meter including sodium system, simple and compact, the second one is that this meter is to have a function of concentration monitor and the last one is that this meter is to have a function of leak detector. (2)Several informations such as, methods of leak tests after welding of nickel membrain, a new type vacuum gauge for detecting low vacuum region, the baking conditions of the vacuum side and the self-pumping effects of vacuum gauges were obtained. Based on these results, advanced meters called as Type-2 is now under designing and manufacturing and a long term operation test in sodium will be held for confirming several characteristics of these meters on the assumption that these meters will be used in the MONJU Plant.



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