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 年 ~ 


In-sodium test of 24-inches ultrasonic flowmeter

荒木 等*; 宇野 修*; 久門 端尚*; 青木 忠雄; 津沢 泰行*; 山本 研*

not registered; not registered; not registered; Aoki, Tadao; not registered; not registered


Research and development of the Ultrasonic Flowmeter (USFM) for the large pipe sodium loop in the Prototype LMFBR "MONJU" have been conducted so far, and sodium flow measurement test using 12-inches USFM was already finished. But cold leg pipe of secondary loop of "MONJU" is 22B (primary loop; 24B), in which USFM is to be installed, so 24-inches USFM was made and some performance were measured in still sodium as the first step of some tests, and following results were obtained. (1)The ultrasonic pulse height enough for the operation of the USFM electronic circuit and long term stability was obtained in 200 $$sim$$ 550$$^{circ}$$C sodium temperature. (2)The electronic circuit parameters which could collect temperature dependency of USFM output within $$pm$$0.2% (200$$sim$$550$$^{circ}$$C) were decided by the measurement of ultrasonic transmission time. (3)The zero point drift of USFM output was measured in the constant and transient sodium temperature, and the stability more than $$pm$$0.2% (FS 6 m/s) was obtained. From these results, 24-inches USFM is found to have the possibility of utilization, so temperature collection accuracy of USFM Scale Factor and other performance must be confirmed by the sodium flow test for the application in "MONJU".



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