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 年 ~ 

高速実験炉「常陽」第4回定期点検報告 : 冷却系機器配管の供用期間中検査

Experimental fast reactor "JOYO"; The 4th annual inspection report; In-service inspection of the cooling system components and pipings

冨田 直樹*; 水谷 友律*

not registered; not registered


During the 4th annual inspection of "JOYO", in-service inspections (ISI) of the cooling system components and pipings were carried out to confirm integrity of coolant boundary. The items as follows, (1)Visual examination of primary main pipings. (2)Visual examination of primary cooling system components and pipings. (3)Visual examination of piping and component supports. (4)Volumetric examination of dissimilar metal welds in secandary main pipings. (5)Surface examination and measuring wall thickness of DHX fin tubes. (6)Remotary visual examination of primary main pump (A) inner surface. (7)Leak rate test of safety vessel welds. This report describes examination results of the above mentained items. The ISI program including method and judgement was determined based on ASME SEC, X1 DIV, 3. The examination results showed no indication of degradation of heat transport system integrity, through local minor damages of thermal insulation and start of rust on piping supports were found.



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