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 年 ~ 

原子炉容器モデル熱過渡強度試験; 第5報 伝熱・応力解析と強度評価

Thermal transient strength test of reactor vessel model; Vol.5 Heat transfer-stress analysis and damage evaluation

小出 昭雄*; 渡士 克己; 斎藤 利之*; 中西 征二

not registered; not registered; not registered; Nakanishi, Seiji


This report describes the heat transfer and elastic stress analysis of a reactor vessel model subjected to severe cyclic thermal loading between 250$$^{circ}$$C and 600$$^{circ}$$C, and also its creep-fatigue damage evaluation based on elastic stress analysis of 'MONJU DESIGN GUIDE' (so called BDS : Basic Design Standard). After the test, destructive examinations of a reactor vessel model were performed, and many cracking were found. Though the predictions of structual integrity was difficult, we attemped to compare between creep-fatigue damage (BDS) and destructive examinations. The results demonstrate that this creep-fatigue damage (BDS) was conservative and the following results were obtained. (1)Creep-fatigue failure criteion described in the Guide has a margin of about 200 for Type 304 base metal and about 120 for TIG weldments. (2)In the case of SMAW weldments, the margin is about 100 for 40mm thick ring with grinding, but about 50 for 6 inches 4.3mm thick piping without grinding. (3)Thermal liner structures well prevent crack initiation of inner surface of vessel. Creep-fatigue damage of those portions are about 65. (4)There are cracking at stud bolt roots of thermal liner. That portions (perfect fillet weldment) are evaluated to have a margin of about 170.



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