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 年 ~ 

圧力波挙動測定試験 データ集(1)

Pressure wave propagation tests simulating sodium-water reaction accidents by using slow explosives

坂野 耿介*; 清水 一民*; 吉江 伸二*

not registered; not registered; not registered


The present tests have been executed for simulating an initial pressure spike of sodium-water reactions in a secondary coolant system with no cover-gas type steam generators and for grasping burst characteristics of rupture discs and diminution effects of propagated pressure waves. The tests have been performed by using slow-explosives to simulate the initial pressure spike under water instead of sodium in the 1/5-scaled down secondary coolant system model of a Large Scale Fast Breeder Reactor. The high-speed photographing indicated that the rupture disc became to deform by the initial pressure spike propagated at about 1300 m/s, to jet water after buckling in 1.1 msec later, to split to 4 parts in 1.7 msec, and to be perfectly opened itself in about 4 msec. About 30 percent of the pressure diminution was shown for the propagated pressure wave in the discharge piping by the burst behavior of the rupture disc. After the disc was burst, however, the pressure wave held in the discharge piping and the duration time was the same as that of the reaction point in the steam generator. For the first time, the burst characteristics of rupture discs were identified and the diminution effect was evaluated by the tests. These data are useful for verification of analytical codes of sodium-water reaction.



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