※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


Analisis for high-power and high-burnup capability test of LMFBR fuel pines

館野 徹*; 多田 尚子*; 千歳 敬子*; 森井 正*; 清野 俊*

not registered; not registered; Chitose, Keiko*; Morii, Tadashi*; not registered


In the experimental fast reactor "JOYO", PNC (Power Reactor and Nuclear Fuel Development Corporation) schedules two new tests programs in near future in order to verify high-power and high burn-up capability of LMFBR fuel pines : PTM (Power-to Melt) test and RTCB (Run-to-Cladding Breach) test. Firstly, in the present study, the temperature rises of the spare pine sadjacent to the RTCB test pin due to FP gas blanletting have been calculated with superposition of the anticipated transients and accident of the plant. The calculated results have shown that the fuel center and cladding middle temperature of the spare pines are lower than the limited values (fuel : 2630 $$^{circ}$$C, cladding : 890$$^{circ}$$C). Secondary, the radiation dose to population due to the accidents described in the present application of license has been calculated to be sufficiently lower than the limited values.



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