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Feasibility study on advanced FBR utilizing gravitational field [II]; Fundamental research on autonomous heat removal system by using two-phase natural circulation

山岡 信夫*; 斉藤 正樹*; 宮崎 慶次*

Yamaoka, Nobuo*; not registered; Miyazaki, Keiji*


Fundamental characteristics of an autonmous energy conversion system using the two-phase natural circulation combined with liquid-metal magnetohydrodynamic (LMMHD) technology were investigated theoretically and experimentally to examine the possibilities for simplifying the energy conversion system and increasing safety characteristics of an LMFBR. Firstly, the cycle analyses were performed to examine the fundamental characteristics of the energy transfer and conversion of the present system for the various combinations of the working fluids such as water and Mercury as the thermodynamic fluids, and Woods metal and Tin as the MHD working fluids. The results are quite encouraging as summarized below. The cycle efficiency and electrical output power are sufficiently competitive with those of the conventional steam turbine cycle. The cycle efficiency, however, depends strongly on the vapor-liquid slip ratio at the two-phase upcomer and the generator efficiency at the single phase downcomer. It was also found that the cycle efficiency is very dull to efficiencies of the separator, regenerator and the circular pump for the thermodynamic working fluid. As the results of the above cycle analyses, it was found that the cycle efficiency depends strongly on the vapor-liquid slip ratio at the two-phase upcomer, Therefore, the experiments of the two-phase natural circulation were performed by using Woods metal (melting point: 70$$^{circ}$$C, density: 9.5g/cm$$^{3}$$) and nitrogen gas as the working fluids to investigate the fundamental characteristics of the two-phase natural circulation, especially vapor-liquid slip ratio at the upcomer. The experimental results are summarized below. (1)The gas-liquid slip ratio decreases gradually with increasing mass flow rate of nitrogen gas up to void fraction of about 13%, because the mass flow rate of the liquid metal increases rapidly with increasing that of nitrogen gas. After that, the slip ratio turns to increase gradually with ...



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