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Preparation of unified cross section library for demonstration fast breeder reactor (IV); Analysis of reactor physics experiment in Monju system startup test

坪井 靖*; 亀井 孝信*

not registered; not registered

実証炉設計用統合炉定数作成の一環として、「もんじゅ」炉物理試験で得られた臨界性及び制御棒価値に関し、試験データ及びその解析結果をレビューし、測定誤差、解析誤差を評価した。また、これらの特性(臨界性及び制御棒価値)に対する種々の断面積の感度係数を一般化摂動コードSAGEPにより求めた。ここで得られた測定誤差、解析誤差、C/E値、及び感度係数は、本研究シリーズの他の部分でJENDL 3.2の断面積調整に活用される。

Along the line of work of preparing unified cross-section library for demonstration fast breeder reactors, Monju criticality and control rod worth experimental data and their analysis were reviewed to evaluate experimental and analysis errors to apply the data in the cross-section adjustment work. The sensitivity coefficients of each cross-section for criticality and control rod worth were calculated by use of the generalized perturbation code SAGEP. The C/E values, experimental and analysis errors, and sensitivity coefficients are utilized in the adjustment of JENDL 3.2 in the other part of this series of work.



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