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The estimation of the amount of radioactive waste from decommissioning of the nuclear facilities in O-arai Engineering Center

谷本 健一; 相原 永史; 今井 勝友; 飛田 和則; 根本 昌明; 今堀 真司; 野口 好一

Tanimoto, Kenichi; Aihara, Nagafumi; not registered; not registered; not registered; not registered; not registered


The estimation of the amount of radioactive waste produced from nuclear facilities in O-arai Engineering Center was performed for the purpose of using it for countermeasure of decommissioning planning. The conditions and the result of the estimation are as follows; (1)The total amount of occurrence of radioactive waste is 18,820tons. As the items of the amount in radioactive level, the amount of 1GBq/t and over is 820 tons and that of under 1GBq/t is 18,000 tons. (2)The amount of metal waste is 5,820 tons and the amount of concrete is 13,000 tons. (3)Above calculation was based on related specifications, complete drawings, and visual observation. (4)To dismantle facilities, it must exfoliate the surface of wall. As for the polluted zone and the zone with possibility of pollution, it decided to exfoliate 5 cm in thickness from the surface of the wall. And, as for the zone that fundamentally pollution was not there, it decided to exfoliate surface 1cm in thickness from the surface of the wall. (5)Using the suitable decontamination technology and exfoliation technology can reduce the amount of radioactive waste. (6)In the facilities dealing with sealed source judging from the past record of operation, there is no contact with the radioactive material, etc. Therefore, it can be disposed of all the waste that comes out from the facilities as non-radioactive waste.



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