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 年 ~ 


Thermal hydraulic analysis in reactor vessel of JOYO MK-III standard core

菅谷 和司*; 前田 幸基; 住野 公造 ; 鈴木 惣十

not registered; Maeda, Yukimoto; Sumino, Kozo; not registered


A thermal hydraulic analysis in the reactor vessel of the JOYO MK-III standard core was performed by Single-Phase Multi-Dimensional Thermal-Hydraulic Analysis Code "AQUA". The major results are as follows: (1)The hydraulic characteristics in the reactor vessel of the MK-III standard core showed the same tendency as it of the MK-II core. (2)It was confirmed that, the coolant, flow rates in each subassembly were more than the minimum coolant flow rates which were described in a document, "Thermal Hydraulic Analysis of JOYO MK-III Core". (3)The coolant, temperature distribution was evaluated at the top of core, at the outlet of the subassemblies, and in the reactor vessel in detail.



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