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 年 ~ 

照射後試験用渦電流探傷技術の開発; PFC030照射燃料ピン試験結果

Development of Eddy Current Testing Technique for Irradiated Fuel Pins; ECT results of irradiated fuel pins of PFC030

宮地 紀子 ; 永峯 剛; 勝山 幸三 ; 菊地 晋  ; 松元 愼一郎

Miyaji, Noriko; Nagamine, Tsuyoshi; Katsuyama, Kozo; Kikuchi, Shin; Matsumoto, Shinichiro


Post irraiated fuel pins which irradiated in JOYO PFC030 by eddy current test (ECT) were carried out. The results of the tests, we have some possibility to find FCCI points using gamma scanning result Cs137. And thecorrelation between FCCI quantity and eddy current signal was within that of trial FCCI.



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