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デコミッショニング評価システムの開発(10) -精度の向上と入力の簡素化-

Development of decommissioning management system (10); Improvement of evaluation accuracy and simplification of input work

近藤 等士; 宮崎 仁*; 大久保 利行

Kondo, Hitoshi; Miyazaki, Hitoshi*; Okubo, Toshiyuki


When the plan of Decommissioning such as nuclear fuel cycle facilities and small-scale research reactor is settled on, it is necessary to optimize the index concerning the decommissioning (such as the cost, the waste and the term of works. etc) by selecting the technology and the process appropriately. In Waste Management section, the development of the Decommissioning Management System (DECMAN) which can calculate these decommissioning indexes from the facilities data and the dismantlement technique automatically is advanced. This report describes the problem found in 2003 and the solution concerning the operation and the evaluation technique.



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