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A Promising Gas-Cooled Fast Reactor Concept and its R&D Plan


此村 守; 三枝 利家; 水野 朋保; 大久保 良幸*

Konomura, Mamoru; SAIGUSA, Toshiie; Mizuno, Tomoyasu; OHKUBO, Yoshiyuki*


In Feasibility Studies on Commercialized Fast Reactor (FR) Systems, examining about the subject of three gas cooled FR concepts, (1) carbon dioxide cooled FR using pin type fuel, (2) helium cooled FR using pin type fuel, (3) helium cooled FR using coated particle fuel, a promising concept has been selected from three concepts. From a viewpoint of economic competitiveness and ensuring safety, etc, "helium cooled FR using coated particle fuel" has been selected as a promising concept of gas cooled FR. About fuel assembly concept of helium cooled FR using coated particle fuel, block type vertical flow cooling concept with 2nd boundaries was also examined, other than horizontal flow cooling concept with directly cooling system. About selected helium cooled FR using coated particle fuel, it drew up R&D plan about the most important R&D items influencing on the feasibility of the design concept.



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