Outline of the SFR component design and BOP project plan in the generation IV R&D programme
此村 守; Kim, S.-O.*; Hill, R.*; Dufour, P.*; Lennox, T.*
Konomura, Mamoru; Kim, S.-O.*; Hill, R.*; Dufour, P.*; Lennox, T.*
On a basis of Generation IV nuclear energy system, various R&D project plans for sodium cooled reactor have been drawn up including component design and balance of plant (CD and BOP). At present, CD and BOP for the reference SFR systems can be largely established from the existing knowledge and operation experience. Therefore, the project plan for CD and BOP R&D for Generation IV system is related to the system performance and the development of alternatives to the reference systems for enhanced performance with innovative technologies. This paper gives an outline of the SFR CD & BOP project plan that is examined as Generation IV R&D. The project plan covers advanced in-service inspection and repair, improved steam generator more reliability, advanced energy conversion system for higher efficiency, and leak-before-break assessment. The total schedule of the project plan consists of three steps: a viability study of proposal concepts (till 2006), performance tests for detail design specification (till 2010) and demonstration of system performance (till 2015). The R&D activities are carried out with international cooperation between France, Japan, Republic of Korea, the United Kingdom and the United States in the framework of Generation IV International Forum under the supervision of its SFR steering committee.