The Large-scale numerical simulation of nuclear power plant on ITBL grid infrastructure, 1; System outline
ITBLグリッド環境における原子力プラントの大規模シミュレーション,1; システム概要
Tian, R.; 宮崎 明美; 松原 仁; 中島 憲宏 ; 谷 正之
Tian, R.; Miyazaki, Akemi; Matsubara, Hitoshi; Nakajima, Norihiro; Tani, Masayuki
A nuclear power plant is made up of numerous components that are interconnected to each other. Upon external load, they act in a certain interactive way to bear the external load. Therefore, it is an important issue to understand the interaction effect and integrated behaviors of these components. At the current stage, a nuclear power plant is assumed to be a unified structure, and hence it is impossible to evaluate the interaction effects among these components. We have recently established a new approach called assembled structure analysis. In this talk, we will give an introduction of the outline of the entire nuclear power plant simulation system and the fundamental system design of the connection effect evaluation methods.