The Large-scale numerical simulation of nuclear power plant on ITBL grid infrastructure, 2; Numerical simulation results
ITBLグリッド環境における原子力プラントの大規模シミュレーション,2; 数値解析結果
宮崎 明美; Tian, R.; 松原 仁; 中島 憲宏 ; 谷 正之
Miyazaki, Akemi; Tian, R.; Matsubara, Hitoshi; Nakajima, Norihiro; Tani, Masayuki
A nuclear power plant is made up of numerous components that are interconnected to each other. Upon external load, they act in a certain interactive way to bear the external load. Therefore, it is an important issue to understand the interaction effect and integrated behaviors of these components. At the current stage, a nuclear power plant is assumed to be a unified structure, and hence it is impossible to evaluate the interaction effects among these components. We have recently established a new approach called assembled structure analysis. In this presentation, we will demonstrate the static simulation results of stresses/strain of the cooling system of the nuclear power plant, and show the great possibility of modeling the nuclear power plant in entire in near future.