J-PARCニュートリノビームライン用超伝導電磁石システム,12; 耐放射線性を有する自動弁・安全弁の開発
Superconducting magnet system for the J-PARC neutrino experiment, 12; Development of a radio-proof control valve and a relief valve
槙田 康博*; 飯田 真久*; 大畠 洋克*; 岡村 崇弘*; 荻津 透*; 木村 誠宏*; 田中 賢一*; 中本 建志*; 山本 明*; 出崎 亮; 森下 憲雄
Makida, Yasuhiro*; Iida, Masahisa*; Ohata, Hirokatsu*; Okamura, Takahiro*; Ogitsu, Toru*; Kimura, Nobuhiro*; Tanaka, Kenichi*; Nakamoto, Tatsushi*; Yamamoto, Akira*; Idesaki, Akira; Morishita, Norio
A Superconducting magnet system will be adopted for the J-PARC neutrino beam line. Since the magnet system will be exposed to high radiation field, the radiation resistance of a cryostat is very important. We have developed radio-proof control valve and relief valve by selection of some parts and separation of the positioner. In this work, the developed valves were worked under the ray irradiation, and it was found that the valves show the radiation resistance above 1MGy.