※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

High temperature behavior of irradiated mixed nitride fuel during heating tests


佐藤 勇; 田中 康介  ; 廣沢 孝志  ; 三輪 周平  ; 田中 健哉

Sato, Isamu; Tanaka, Kosuke; Hirosawa, Takashi; Miwa, Shuhei; Tanaka, Kenya


JAEA performs the study on the applicability of the mixed nitride fuel for the fast reactor by the irradiation test in the experimental fast reactor, "JOYO." In this work, heating tests for the mixed nitride fuel irradiated in JOYO have been performed and the fission gas release and the decomposition behaviours are evaluated for the safety study of Pb-Bi cooled fast reactor. As to the gas release aspects, the behaviour is independent on decomposition of the Nitride fuel. The density change was observed in the fuel after the heating test by slow heating rate. Over the temperature of 2400$$^{circ}$$C, the nitride fuel had decomposed to make some Pu-Rh alloy inclusions.



- Accesses




分野:Chemistry, Physical



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