Interoperability between UNICORE and ITBL
鈴木 喜雄
; 南 貴博; 谷 正之; 中島 憲宏
; Keller, R.*; Beisel, T.*
Suzuki, Yoshio; Minami, Takahiro; Tani, Masayuki; Nakajima, Norihiro; Keller, R.*; Beisel, T.*
The interoperability among different science grid systems is indispensable to worldwide use of a large-scale experimental facility as well as a large-scale supercomputer. One of the simplest ways to achieve the interoperability is to convert messages among different science grid systems without modifying themselves. Under such consideration, the interoperability between UNICORE and ITBL (IT-Based Laboratory) has been achieved with hardly modifying these grid systems by adopting a connection server which works as a mediator. Until international standardization is established, the method of message conversion among different science grid systems is promising as a way to establish the interoperability.