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Nuclear moments studied by collinear laser spectroscopy

飯村 秀紀  

Iimura, Hideki


Hyperfine structures of transitions in ions of the radioactive lanthanum isotopes have been measured by collinear laser spectroscopy. From the obtained hyperfine-structure-coupling constants, moments of these nuclei have been determined. By comparing these moments with the theoretical ones calculated on the basis of Nilsson model, it has been found that there is significant disagreement between theoretical and experimental values of the quadrupole moment of $$^{131}$$La. It has already been predicted theoretically from the potential energy surfaces calculation using Woods-Saxon potential that the La nuclei around A=130 are largely triaxial. Because the triaxial deformation is not taken into consideration in the Nilsson model, the discrepancy could be attributed to the axially symmetric character of this model. A hyperfine structure anomaly found between $$^{139}$$La and $$^{138}$$La is also discussed.



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