Verification of the plant dynamics analytical code CERES using the results of the plant trip test of the prototype fast breeder reactor MONJU
西 義久*; 植田 伸幸*; 木下 泉*; 宮川 明 ; 加藤 満也*
Nishi, Yoshihisa*; Ueda, Nobuyuki*; Kinoshita, Izumi*; Miyakawa, Akira; Kato, Mitsuya*
CERES is plant system analysis code for LMRs developed by the Central Research Institute of Electric Power Industry (CRIEPI). CERES has a function of calculating multidimensional flow in the plena of a coolant in addition to that in one-dimensional plant network calculation. To verify the CERES code, analyses were performed by using the result of the plant trip test from the partial power operation of the prototype FBR "MONJU" that had been executed in December, 1995. The verification work was performed as a joint research of CRIEPI and JAEA. (1)Analysis concerning the primary/secondary/auxiliary cooling system (the plenum in the reactor vessel (R/V) is modeled in R-Z 2-dimension). (2)Analysis concerning the flow pattern in the plenum of R/V (the plenum is modeled in 3-dimension). (3)Analysis concerning the flow pattern inside the IHX plenum (the plenum in the IHX is modeled in 3-dimension). Analytical results by the CERES code showed good agreement with the results of the test of the "MONJU". Fundamental abilities of the CERES as a plant dynamics calculation code had been verified through these analyses. Additionally, some characteristic flows in plena of "MONJU" became clear by these analyses.