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 年 ~ 

ナトリウム冷却炉の炉心・燃料設計検討,MOX燃料炉心; 2005年度報告

Study on reactor core and fuel design of sodium cooled fast reactor, Mixed oxide fuel core; Results in JFY2005

小川 隆; 佐藤 勇; 永沼 正行  ; 相田 達也*; 杉野 和輝; 林 秀行

Ogawa, Takashi; Sato, Isamu; Naganuma, Masayuki; Aida, Tatsuya*; Sugino, Kazuteru; Hayashi, Hideyuki


Sodium cooled fast reactor with mixed oxide fueled core is one of the promising candidates in "Feasibility Study on Commercialized Fast Reactor Cycle System" in Japan. The results of the study on the reactor core and fuel design in the JFY2005 are reported. (1)Design studies of high internal conversion (HIC) type core: (i)Influence of TRU composition variation on the HIC type core and fuel designs was evaluated. (ii)In adopting PNC-FMS steel as alternative cladding material of ODS steel, influence to the reactor core and fuel design was evaluated for the large-scale HIC type core. (iii)Shielding property of the large-scale HIC type core was evaluated. (iv)Some measures to extend the lifetime of control rod were studied for the large-scale HIC type core. (2)Design study on high breeding performance: The core design corresponding to a requirement of high breeding performance was studied based on the large-scale compact type core designed in the JFY2004.



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