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東海再処理施設30年のあゆみと今後の展望,1; 技術開発への特化

Three decades of forward steps and prospect in Tokai reprocessing plant, 1; Shifting from reprocessing service to engineering scale R&D

三浦 信之; 森 久起; 野村 茂雄

Miura, Nobuyuki; Mori, Hisaki; Nomura, Shigeo


Tokai Reprocessing Plant (TRP) has completed its reprocessing services having contracted with electric power companies by the end of FY2005, and subsequently launched the operation focusing its purpose on the engineering scale R&D since the beginning of FY2006. As the main base of developing reprocessing technology in Japan, TRP plans to curry out R&D aiming at advancement of reprocessing technologies, which is applicable for Rokkasho Reprocessing Plant (RRP) and a future reprocessing plant. This paper reports R&D prospect scheduled on TRP.



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