※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Photoemission analysis with synchrotron radiation for nitridation of SiO$$_{2}$$ thin film on Si(001) by irradiation of N$$^{+}$$ ion beams


寺岡 有殿; 鉢上 隼介; 横田 久美子*; 田川 雅人*

Teraoka, Yuden; Hachiue, Shunsuke; Yokota, Kumiko*; Tagawa, Masahito*

質量選別された3keVの窒素原子イオンビームを供給量6.3$$times$$10$$^{15}$$から2.0$$times$$10$$^{16}$$ particles/cm$$^{2}$$だけ極薄酸化膜つきの室温Si(001)基板に照射した。Si, O, N原子の化学結合状態を高輝度高分解能放射光を用いて分析した。高輝度放射光の恩恵でSi-2pとO-1sに加えてN-1s光電子スペクトルも測定することができた。Si(001)基板と同様に二酸化シリコンの薄膜と界面が10$$^{15}$$ particles/cm$$^{2}$$の照射でもよく窒化されることがわかった。

The mass-selected atomic nitrogen ion beams with a kinetic energy of 3 keV were irradiated at the ultra-thin silicon dio$$times$$ide overlayers on Si(001) substrates by 6.3$$times$$10$$^{15}$$ to 2.0$$times$$10$$^{16}$$ particles/cm$$^{2}$$ at room temperature. Chemical bonding states of Si, O, and N atoms were analyzed via photoemission spectroscopy using high brilliance and energy-resolution synchrotron radiation. Photoemission spectra of N-1s core level could be observed in addition to Si-2p and O-1s peaks owing to the high brilliance synchrotron radiation. It was found that the silicon dio$$times$$ide overlayer and the interface were effectively nitrided even by the dose of 10$$^{15}$$ particles/cm$$^{2}$$ order as well as the Si(001) substrate.



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