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Principle of universality of $$gamma$$-process nucleosynthesis in core-collapse supernova explosions


早川 岳人; 岩本 信之  ; 梶野 敏貴*; 静間 俊行; 梅田 秀之*; 野本 憲一*

Hayakawa, Takehito; Iwamoto, Nobuyuki; Kajino, Toshitaka*; Shizuma, Toshiyuki; Umeda, Hideyuki*; Nomoto, Kenichi*


Using core-collapse supernova explosion models, we investigate the principle of the universality of the $$gamma$$-process that the s/p abundance ratios produced by individual nucleosynthesis are almost constant in the wide region of the atomic number. The universality originates from the weak $$s$$-process in pre-supernovae, the independence of the s/p abundance ratios of the nuclear reactions, and the shift of the $$gamma$$-process layers. Our calculations further suggest an extended universalitythat the s/p ratios in the $$gamma$$-process layers are not only constant but also centered around a specific value 3. To verify this, we propose an astronomical observation of Indium isotopic abundance fractions.



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分野:Astronomy & Astrophysics



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