Detection of DNA polymorphisms induced by ion beam irradiation on three orchid species
Affrida, A. H.*; Ahmad, Z.*; Idris, N. A.*; Mohd Randzan, N.*; Idris, N.*; Basiran, M. N.*; 田中 淳; 鹿園 直哉; 大野 豊; 長谷 純宏
Affrida, A. H.*; Ahmad, Z.*; Idris, N. A.*; Mohd Randzan, N.*; Idris, N.*; Basiran, M. N.*; Tanaka, Atsushi; Shikazono, Naoya; Ono, Yutaka; Hase, Yoshihiro
イオンを0から12.0グレイの線量で照射した。外部形態の変化は認められなかったので多型増幅(Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism)法により照射ランの解析を行った。このPCRによるDNAのフィンガープリントを得る方法は、DNAを制限酵素で切断し、アダプターを連結した後、1つ(前増幅)あるいは3つ(選択的増幅)の任意のヌクレオチドを含むプライマーで選択的増幅を行うものである。コントロールと照射系統のDNAレベルでの違いを検出するためにこのフィンガープリントの比較を行ったところ、250bpから1200bpのDNA鎖長の範囲で幾つかの多型が検出された。
Mutation induction by ion beam provides an alternative for improvement of orchids. The protocorm-like bodies (PLBs) of three orchid species;
were irradiated with
ions, accelerated by AVF Cyclotron at Japanese Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA), Japan, at various doses ranging from 0 to 12.0 Gray (Gy). Since no morphological change was detected, Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism (AFLP) technique was used to analyse the irradiated orchids. This PCR based DNA fingerprinting technique involves digestion of DNA with restriction enzymes, ligation of adapter and selective amplification using primer with one (pre-amplification) and three (selective amplification) arbitrary nucleotides. The fingerprinting of the control and mutant lines were compared in order to detect their genetic difference. Polymorphic fragments ranging from 250 to 1200 bp length were detected.