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Researches on radiation damage

伊藤 慶文*; 笹瀬 雅人*

Ito, Yoshifumi*; Sasase, Masato*


A feasibility study of irradiation experiments were carried out on radiation effect of oxide dispersion strengthened (ODS) steels and advanced austenitic stainless steels (PNC316) which are to be used in Fast Reactors. Void Swelling on the ion irradiation of PNC316 and 9Cr-ODS steels, which were irradiated in the Tandem accelerator in the Wakasawan Energy Research Center, were investigated. The samples were irradiated using 3 MeV He$$^{2+}$$ and 10 MeV C$$^{3+}$$ ions continuously. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) examination was conducted to evaluate the swelling and microstructure. From the observation of the void sizes and densities, void swelling was estimated. A reproducibility of irradiation experiment is confirmed in our system. As a result, it was found out that the void swelling induced by the ion beam irradiation shows the similar behavior to the neutron-irradiation induced void swelling in the Fast Reactor cores. This implies the applicability of the ion beam irradiation to the neutron-irradiation induced void swelling simulation.



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