※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


Thermodynamic studies on the heavy fermion superconductors under high pressure

立岩 尚之   ; 芳賀 芳範   ; 松田 達磨; 山本 悦嗣  ; 池田 修悟; 大貫 惇睦*

Tateiwa, Naoyuki; Haga, Yoshinori; Matsuda, Tatsuma; Yamamoto, Etsuji; Ikeda, Shugo; Onuki, Yoshichika*


We report our thermodynamic studies on the heavy fermion superconductors under high pressure. In this talk, I would like to present basic experimental methods and recent data on the pressure induced superconductor UIr. UIr is a ferromagnet with the Curie temperature 46 K. From previous high pressure studies by the resistivity and magnetic susceptibility measurements, it was clarified that the transition temperature decreases with increasing pressure that multiple ferromagnetic phases (FM1, 2,3) exists under high pressure. We determine the phase boundaries of the FM1, 2, 3 phases by the ac heat capacity measurements under pressures. We will discuss the unusual features of the physical properties in the high pressure phase of UIr.



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