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An Experimental validation of the guideline for inelastic design analysis through structural model tests


渡辺 大剛*; 中馬 康晴*; 大谷 知未*; 柴本 宏*; 井上 和彦*; 笠原 直人

Watanabe, Daigo*; Chuman, Yasuharu*; Otani, Tomomi*; Shibamoto, Hiroshi*; Inoue, Kazuhiko*; Kasahara, Naoto


In this paper, the inelastic analysis procedures for the improved design of future fast breeder reactors were validated through the structural model tests and the evaluation of the experimental results by the inelastic analyses. First, a thermal fatigue test of a 316FR hollow cylinder with two longitudinal weldments was conducted under the condition of combined constant axial load and cyclic movement of axial temperature distribution, which simulated the loading condition near the free surface of coolant sodium in the main vessel of fast breeder reactors (FBRs). Second, the inelastic analyses were carried out in accordance with the recommended procedure by using the measured results of oscillating temperature distribution. Finally, the results of inelastic analyses were compared with the experimental results and it was validated that the recommended practice gave a conservative result for the deformation and a good estimation of strain range for the fatigue life evaluation.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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