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 年 ~ 

Cosmic-ray transport simulation in the atmosphere


佐藤 達彦   ; 仁井田 浩二*

Sato, Tatsuhiko; Niita, Koji*


Estimation of cosmic-ray neutron spectra in the atmosphere has been an essential issue in the evaluation of the aircrew doses and the soft-error rates of semiconductor devices. We therefore performed Monte Carlo simulations for estimating neutron spectra, using the PHITS code coupled with the nuclear data library JENDL-High-Energy (JENDL/HE) file or the intra-nuclear cascade (INC) model for simulating high-energy neutron and proton induced nuclear reactions. The calculated spectra based on JENDL/HE agree with measured data very much for a wide altitude range even at ground level. On the other hand, the calculation adopting INC generally overestimates the measured data, especially at lower altitudes.



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