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 年 ~ 

Generation and application of ultrahigh monochromatic X-ray using high-quality $$^{57}$$FeBO$$_{3}$$ single crystal


三井 隆也; 瀬戸 誠; 菊田 惺志*; 平尾 直久*; 大石 康生*; 武居 文彦*; 小林 康浩*; 北尾 真司*; 東谷口 聡*; 増田 亮*

Mitsui, Takaya; Seto, Makoto; Kikuta, Seishi*; Hirao, Naohisa*; Oishi, Yasuo*; Takei, Fumihiko*; Kobayashi, Yasuhiro*; Kitao, Shinji*; Higashitaniguchi, Satoshi*; Masuda, Ryo*


Ultrahigh monochromatic 14.4 keV X-rays with a narrow bandwidth of 15.4 neV were generated successfully with a high counting rate of 12,000 counts/s at the undulator beamline (BL11XU) of SPring-8. It was achieved by combining an intense X-ray from the third generation synchrotron radiation facility SPring-8 and pure nuclear Bragg scattering of a very highquality $$^{57}$$FeBO$$_{3}$$ perfect single crystal at the N$'e$el temperature. We describe the detailed study of the beam characteristics and some performance test experiments of energy-domain synchrotron radiation M$"o$ssbauer spectroscopy, including a highpressure experiment using a diamond anvil cel.



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分野:Physics, Applied



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