※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Development of an advanced reprocessing system based on use of pyrrolidone derivatives as novel precipitants with high selectivity and control ability; Precipitation behavior of plutonium

高選択・制御性新規沈殿剤としてピロリドン誘導体を用いる高度化再処理システムの開発; プルトニウムの沈殿挙動

森田 泰治  ; Kim, S.-Y.; 池田 泰久*; 野上 雅伸*; 西村 建二*

Morita, Yasuji; Kim, S.-Y.; Ikeda, Yasuhisa*; Nogami, Masanobu*; Nishimura, Kenji*


We have been developing an advanced reprocessing system for spent FBR fuels based on precipitation method using pyrrolidone derivatives. In previous investigation, N-cyclohexyl-2-pyrrolidone (NCP) is used as a precipitant and a process consisting of selective U precipitation step and U-Pu co-precipitation step was developed. In order to make the process more effective and more economical, we are now studying precipitation of U and Pu with other pyrrolidone derivatives. In the present study, precipitation behavior of Pu was examined using N-butyl-2-pyrrolidone (NBP) and N-propyl-2-pyrrolidone (NProP), which have lower hydrophobicity than NCP. The experiments with Pu(IV) or Pu(VI) solutiona and U(VI)-Pu(IV) solutions showed that Pu is less precipitated with NBP or NProP than with NCP. From these results, it is expected that NBP and NProP can be used as precipitants for the selective U precipitation step and make the step more selective and effective.



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