The Prospective role of JAEA Nuclear Fuel Cycle Engineering Laboratories
小島 久雄; 土尻 滋; 田中 和彦; 武田 誠一郎; 野村 茂雄
Ojima, Hisao; Dojiri, Shigeru; Tanaka, Kazuhiko; Takeda, Seiichiro; Nomura, Shigeo
The Nuclear Fuel Cycle Engineering Laboratories of Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) was established to take over activities of the Tokai Works of Japan Nuclear Cycle Development Institute (JNC). From 1959, several kinds of technologies (such as uranium refining, centrifuge for uranium enrichment, LWR spent fuel reprocessing and MOX fuel fabrication) have been accomplished. And also, R&Ds on the treatment and disposal of high level waste and the FBR fuel reprocessing have been carried out. Through such activities, control of environmental release of radioactive material and radiation exposure and management of nuclear materials have been done appropriately. The Laboratories will contribute to establish the closed cycle with R&Ds of the reprocessing technology during the transition period from LWR era to FBR era, improved MOX fuel fabrication technology, advanced FBR fuel reprocessing technology and high level waste disposal technology.