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Toward an innovative actinide separation process; Redox reactions of actinide ions induced by external ultrasound irradiation

革新的アクチノイド分離プロセスへ向けて; 外部超音波照射によるアクチノイドイオンの酸化還元反応

虎石 貴; 木村 貴海 ; 有阪 真 

Toraishi, Takashi; Kimura, Takaumi; Arisaka, Makoto


Development of low emission nuclear fuel reprocessing processes is an important task for the future nuclear fuel cycle. Improvement of the valency control process is highly desired among the several constituting chemical processes, since valency of actinide ions is generally adjusted by addition of reductant/oxidants, which often lead to noncombustible radioactive wastes. In the present work, we present a new valency control technique for actinide elements, which is induced by ultrasound irradiation, and demonstrate the innovative low-emission actinide separation scheme.



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