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Development of three-dimensional numerical model for $$^{222}$$Rn and its decay products coupled with a mesoscale meteorological model, 1; Model description and validation

メソスケール気象モデルと結合した$$^{222}$$Rnとその娘核種の3次元数値モデルの開発,1; モデルの内容と検証

西沢 匡人; 永井 晴康  ; 茅野 政道; 森泉 純*; 吉岡 勝廣*; 大倉 毅史 ; 山澤 弘実*; 飯田 孝夫*; 向井 人史*; 遠嶋 康徳*; 織田 伸和*; 島野 富士雄*

Nishizawa, Masato; Nagai, Haruyasu; Chino, Masamichi; Moriizumi, Jun*; Yoshioka, Katsuhiro*; Okura, Takehisa; Yamazawa, Hiromi*; Iida, Takao*; Mukai, Hitoshi*; Tojima, Yasunori*; Oda, Nobukazu*; Shimano, Fujio*


A three-dimensional Eulerian numerical model for $$^{222}$$Rn and its decay products coupled with a mesoscale meteorological model has been developed and applied to the reproduction of the daily and monthly variations of $$^{222}$$Rn concentration, the monthly variation of $$^{210}$$Pb deposition in Japan and the temporal variation of $$gamma$$ dose rate after the cold front passage in the coastal area of the Japan Sea for the verification of model capability. The results are as follows: (1) The model reproduced the monthly variation of surface $$^{222}$$Rn concentration in remote islands, but underestimated inland concentration due to coarse vertical resolution near the surface of the model. (2) The model reproduced the seasonal variation of the observed and the long-term yearly averaged $$^{210}$$Pb depositions as long as precipitations are predicted precisely. (3) The model reproduced the rise of $$gamma$$ dose rate in precipitation accompanied with the cold front passage. In particular, $$^{222}$$Rn decay products in melted snow and graupel contributed the rise of $$gamma$$ dose rate.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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