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 年 ~ 

Inner-shell ionization in Xe clusters irradiated with X-ray laser pulse


難波 愼一*; 長谷川 登; 錦野 将元; 河内 哲哉; 岸本 牧; 田中 桃子; 越智 義浩; 永島 圭介; 多幾山 憲*

Namba, Shinichi*; Hasegawa, Noboru; Nishikino, Masaharu; Kawachi, Tetsuya; Kishimoto, Maki; Tanaka, Momoko; Ochi, Yoshihiro; Nagashima, Keisuke; Takiyama, Ken*

The interaction of large xenon clusters with an X-ray laser pulse having a wavelength of 13.9 nm and intensity of up to 2$$times$$10$$^{10}$$ W/cm$$^{2}$$ was investigated using a time-of-flight ion mass spectrometer. The photon energy is high enough to photoionize the inner-shell electron of the Xe atom. In contrast to the experiment at synchrotron radiation, the enhancement of double Auger decay probability with increasing cluster size and X-ray laser intensity was observed for the first time.



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