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確率論的破壊力学解析による構造機器健全性評価手法に関する研究; 再循環系配管の破損確率に及ぼす供用期間中検査頻度の影響

Investigation into reliability evaluation methodology for structural components by probabilistic fracture mechanics analysis; Effect on in-service inspection frequencies to failure probabilities at PLR piping

伊藤 裕人; 鬼沢 邦雄 

Ito, Hiroto; Onizawa, Kunio


New code of probabilistic fracture mechanics (PFM) analysis, which evaluates failure probabilities in piping, has been developed by JAEA. The methodology of Rules on Fitness-for-Service for Nuclear Power Plants of JSME is introduced into the code. It involves initiation and growth of Stress Corrosion Cracking (SCC) etc, then evaluates the failure probabilities in piping. In-Service Inspection frequencies to weld lines in PLR piping which is sensitive to SCC, largely influence the failure probabilities. Therefore, effect on the frequency differences to the failure probabilities was evaluated by the code.



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