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Ginzburg-Landau action and polarization current in an excitonic insulator model of electronic ferroelectricity

安立 裕人*; 池田 直*; 齊藤 英治

Physical Review B, 107(15), p.155142_1 - 155142_10, 2023/04

 被引用回数:5 パーセンタイル:70.64(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

In comparison to transport of spin polarization in ferromagnets, transport of electric polarization in ferroelectrics remains less explored. Taking an excitonic insulator model of electronic ferroelectricity as a prototypical example, we theoretically investigate the low-energy dynamics and transport of electric polarization by microscopically constructing the Ginzburg-Landau action. We show that, because of the scalar nature of the excitonic order parameter, only the longitudinal fluctuations are relevant to the transport of electric polarization. We also formulate the electric-polarization diffusion equation, in which the electric-polarization current is defined purely electronically without recourse to the lattice degrees of freedom.


Sodium-cooled Fast Reactors

大島 宏之; 森下 正樹*; 相澤 康介; 安藤 勝訓; 芦田 貴志; 近澤 佳隆; 堂田 哲広; 江沼 康弘; 江連 俊樹; 深野 義隆; et al.

Sodium-cooled Fast Reactors; JSME Series in Thermal and Nuclear Power Generation, Vol.3, 631 Pages, 2022/07

ナトリウム冷却高速炉(SFR: Sodium-cooled Fast Reactor)の歴史や、利点、課題を踏まえた安全性、設計、運用、メンテナンスなどについて解説する。AIを利用した設計手法など、SFRの実用化に向けた設計や研究開発についても述べる。


Numerical analysis for FP speciation in VERDON-2 experiment; Chemical re-vaporization of iodine in air ingress condition

塩津 弘之; 伊藤 裕人*; 杉山 智之; 丸山 結

Annals of Nuclear Energy, 163, p.108587_1 - 108587_9, 2021/12

 被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:11.62(Nuclear Science & Technology)

In the late phase of severe accident in light water reactor nuclear power station, re-mobilization of fission products (FPs) has a significant impact on the source term because most portion of FPs is retained in reactor coolant system and/or containment vessel. Recently, VERDON-2 experiment showed noticeable re-vaporization, which was one of the re-mobilization phenomena, of iodine under air ingress condition, but this mechanism has not been identified yet. The present study numerically investigated the FPs behaviors in VERDON-2 experiment with the mechanistic FPs transport analysis code incorporating thermodynamic chemical equilibrium model in order to further understand nature for FPs behavior, especially iodine re-vaporization under air ingress condition. Consequently, this analysis reproduced the deposition profile of cesium, one of important FPs in the source term, along the thermal gradient tube (TGT) in the experiment, which revealed that cesium was transported as CsOH in early phase of FP release from fuel, and then formed Cs$$_{2}$$MoO$$_{4}$$ and Cs$$_{2}$$Te after the release of molybdenum and tellurium was activated. Regarding iodine as another important FP, formation of CsI was predicted in steam condition. The CsI was transported and partly deposited and condensed onto the TGTs and other components of the VERDON facility. Under the air ingress condition, the present analysis showed the agreement for iodine re-vaporization in the experiment and revealed its mechanism; the deposits of iodide were chemical re-vaporized as molecular iodine (I$$_{2}$$) gas by redox reaction with competitive elements such as molybdenum, chromium and tellurium.


Purification of anionic fluorescent probes through precise fraction collection with a two-point detection system using multiple-stacking preparative capillary transient isotachophoresis

原賀 智子; 辻村 大翔*; 宮内 さおり*; 上村 拓也*; 渋川 雅美*; 齋藤 伸吾*

Electrophoresis, 41(13-14), p.1152 - 1159, 2020/07

 被引用回数:7 パーセンタイル:43.82(Biochemical Research Methods)



An Experimental setup for creating and imaging $$^{4}$$He$$_{2}$$$$^{ast}$$ excimer cluster tracers in superfluid helium-4 via neutron-$$^{3}$$He absorption reaction

Sonnenschein, V.*; 辻 義之*; 國立 將真*; 久保 渉*; 鈴木 颯*; 富田 英生*; 鬼柳 善明*; 井口 哲夫*; 松下 琢*; 和田 信雄*; et al.

Review of Scientific Instruments, 91(3), p.033318_1 - 033318_12, 2020/03

 被引用回数:0 パーセンタイル:0.00(Instruments & Instrumentation)

For the purpose of future visualization of the flow field in superfluid helium-4, clusters of the triplet state excimer $$^{4}$$He$$_{2}$$$$^{ast}$$ are generated along the micro-scale recoil tracks of the neutron-absorption reaction n + $$^{3}$$He $$rightarrow$$ $$^{3}$$T + p. This reaction is induced by neutron irradiation of the $$^{3}$$He fraction contained in natural isotopic abundance liquid helium with neutron beams either from the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex, Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility (J-PARC)/Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility or from the Kyoto University Institute for Integrated Radiation and Nuclear Science. These $$^{4}$$He$$_{2}$$$$^{ast}$$ clusters are expected to be ideal tracers of the normal-fluid component in superfluid helium with several advantageous properties. Evidence of the excimer generation is inferred by detection of laser induced fluorescence emitted from the $$^{4}$$He$$_{2}$$$$^{ast}$$ clusters excited by a purpose-built short pulse gain-switched titanium:sapphire (Ti:sa) laser operating at a wavelength of 905 nm. The setup and performance characteristics of the laser system including the Ti:sa and two continuous wave re-pumping lasers are described. Detection at the fluorescence wavelength of 640 nm is performed by using optical bandpass filtered photomultiplier tubes (PMT). Electrical noise in the PMT acquisition traces could successfully be suppressed by post-processing with a simple algorithm. Despite other laser-related backgrounds, the excimer was clearly identified by its fluorescence decay characteristics. Production of the excimer was found to be proportional to the neutron flux, adjusted via insertion of different collimators into the neutron beam. These observations suggest that the apparatus we constructed does function in the expected manner and, therefore, has the potential for groundbreaking turbulence research with superfluid helium.


Generation of $$^{4}$$He$$_2^{*}$$ clusters via neutron-$$^{3}$$He absorption reaction toward visualization of full velocity field in quantum turbulence

松下 琢*; Sonnenschein, V.*; Guo, W.*; 林田 洋寿*; 廣井 孝介; 広田 克也*; 井口 哲夫*; 伊藤 大介*; 北口 雅暁*; 鬼柳 善明*; et al.

Journal of Low Temperature Physics, 196(1-2), p.275 - 282, 2019/07

 被引用回数:1 パーセンタイル:4.14(Physics, Applied)

For flow visualization study of quantum turbulence in superfluid $$^{4}$$He, $$^{4}$$He$$_2^{*}$$ excimers are unique tracers which follow only normal-fluid component flow above 1 K. To generate detectable small $$^{4}$$He$$_2^{*}$$ clouds (clusters) required for full-space velocity field measurements, we have adopted a new method based on neutron absorption reaction of $$^{3}$$He impurities in $$^{4}$$He and conducted proof-of-principle experiments. Generation of the $$^{4}$$He$$_2^{*}$$ excimers was detected by laser-induced fluorescence using photomultiplier tubes. The fluorescence was observed to increase proportionally to the neutron flux, suggesting that a sufficient amount of $$^{4}$$He$$_2^{*}$$ excimers were generated by neutrons. We also estimated the number of $$^{4}$$He$$_2^{*}$$ excimers possibly generated by $$gamma$$-rays and found that the relevant contribution was less than 40%. Thus, the majority of the $$^{4}$$He$$_2^{*}$$ excimers was confirmed to be generated via n-$$^{3}$$He absorption reactions.


Crack expansion and fracturing mode of hydraulic refracturing from Acoustic Emission monitoring in a small-scale field experiment

石田 毅*; 藤戸 航*; 山下 寛人*; 直井 誠*; 藤井 宏和*; 鈴木 健一郎*; 松井 裕哉

Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 52(2), p.543 - 553, 2019/02


 被引用回数:18 パーセンタイル:65.06(Engineering, Geological)



Analysis of transport behaviors of cesium and iodine in VERDON-2 experiment for chemical model validation

塩津 弘之; 伊藤 裕人*; 石川 淳; 杉山 智之; 丸山 結

Proceedings of 11th Korea-Japan Symposium on Nuclear Thermal Hydraulics and Safety (NTHAS-11) (Internet), 6 Pages, 2018/11

The VERDON-2 experiment for FPs transport in steam environment was analyzed with the mechanistic FPs transport code incorporating thermodynamic chemical equilibrium model in order to assess its predictive capability for transport behavior of key FPs, especially for highly volatile FPs such as Cs and I. The present analysis reproduced well the Cs deposition profile obtained from the experiment, which revealed that Cs was transported as CsOH in early phase of FP release from fuel, and then formed Cs$$_{2}$$MoO$$_{4}$$ after increasing Mo release. On the other hand, the deposition peak of I was predicted to appear at 720 K, which was significantly higher than the experimental result at 600 K. This discrepancy was potentially caused by the following two points: lack of the other stable species in thermodynamics database for thermodynamic chemical equilibrium model, or failure of chemical equilibrium assumption for iodide species.


CHEMKEq; 化学平衡論及び反応速度論の部分混合モデルに基づく化学組成評価コード(受託研究)

伊藤 裕人*; 塩津 弘之; 田中 洋一*; 西原 慧径*; 杉山 智之; 丸山 結

JAEA-Data/Code 2018-012, 42 Pages, 2018/10


原子力施設事故時において施設内を移行する核分裂生成物(FP)の化学組成は、比較的遅い反応の影響を受けることにより化学平衡を仮定して評価した組成とは異なる場合が想定される。そのため、反応速度を考慮した化学組成評価が求められる。一方で、原子力施設事故時の複雑な反応に関する反応速度の知見は現状では限られており、実機解析に適用できるデータベースの構築に至っていない。そこで、FP化学組成評価における反応速度による不確かさの低減のため、化学平衡論及び反応速度論の部分混合モデルに基づく化学組成評価コードCHEMKEqを開発した。このモデルは、系全体の質量保存則の下、前駆平衡と見なせる化学種を化学平衡論モデルにより評価し、その後の比較的遅い反応を反応速度論モデルにより解くものである。さらにCHEMKEqは、本混合モデルに加え一般的な化学平衡論モデル及び反応速度論モデルが使用可能であり、かつ、それらモデル計算に必要なデータベースを外部ファイル形式とすることで汎用性の高い化学組成評価コードとなっている。本報は、CHEMKEqコードの使用手引書であり、モデル, 解法, コードの構成とその計算例を記す。また付録には、CHEMKEqコードを使用する上で必要な情報をまとめる。


Materials and Life Science Experimental Facility at the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex, 3; Neutron devices and computational and sample environments

坂佐井 馨; 佐藤 節夫*; 瀬谷 智洋*; 中村 龍也; 藤 健太郎; 山岸 秀志*; 曽山 和彦; 山崎 大; 丸山 龍治; 奥 隆之; et al.

Quantum Beam Science (Internet), 1(2), p.10_1 - 10_35, 2017/09



Experimental observation of temperature and magnetic-field evolution of the 4${it f}$ states in CeFe$$_{2}$$ revealed by soft X-ray magnetic circular dichroism

斎藤 祐児; 保井 晃*; 渕本 寛人*; 中谷 泰博*; 藤原 秀紀*; 今田 真*; 鳴海 康雄*; 金道 浩一*; 高橋 稔*; 海老原 孝雄*; et al.

Physical Review B, 96(3), p.035151_1 - 035151_5, 2017/07


 被引用回数:3 パーセンタイル:15.90(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

単結晶CeFe$$_2$$を用い、X線吸収(XAS)磁気円2色性(XMCD)の高精度実験により、その強磁性的秩序相におけるCe4$$f$$状態を調べた。Ce $$M_{4,5}$$ XMCDスペクトルは、温度及び磁場に依存した形状変化を示す一方、Ce $$M_{4,5}$$ XAS、Fe $$L_{2,3}$$ XAS及びXMCDスペクトルでは変化が観測されないという通常の強磁性体とは異なる現象が観測された。このような振る舞いは、Ce 4$$f^1$$配置の$$J=5/2$$基底状態と$$J=7/2$$状態が混ざり合ったことに由来すると解釈できる。外部摂動に対し非常に敏感なCe 4$$f$$状態は、本物質での強磁性相と反強磁相が隣接する磁気不安定性と関連付けることができる。我々の実験データは、混成の強い強磁性Ce化合物の物性に対して、貴重な情報を与える。


平成28年度技術士試験「原子力・放射線部門」対策講座; 平成27年度技術士一次試験「原子力・放射線部門」; 専門科目の解説

高橋 直樹; 鈴木 惣十; 齋藤 拓人; 上野 隆; 阿部 定好; 山中 淳至; 谷川 聖史; 中村 大司; 佐々木 俊一; 峯 忠治

日本原子力学会ホームページ(インターネット), 20 Pages, 2017/05



Fine dispersion of Pt$$_{4-5}$$ subnanoclusters and Pt single atoms over porous carbon supports and their structural analyses with X-ray absorption spectroscopy

糸井 弘行*; 西原 洋知*; 小林 俊介*; Ittisanronnachai, S.*; 石井 孝文*; Berenguer, R.*; 伊藤 仁*; 松村 大樹; 京谷 隆*

Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 121(14), p.7892 - 7902, 2017/04

 被引用回数:33 パーセンタイル:70.85(Chemistry, Physical)

We demonstrate the fine dispersion of Pt$$_{4-5}$$ subnanoclusters or Pt single atoms on two types of porous carbon supports, Ketjen black (KB) and zeolite-templated carbon (ZTC). For the fine dispersion of Pt subnanoclusters, simply filling an organoplatinum complex, (COD)PtMe$$_{2}$$, as a Pt precursor into the micropores is found to be crucial to prevent agglomeration or sintering of Pt subnanoclusters. Moreover, it is possible to disperse Pt single atoms on ZTC, simply by decreasing the Pt loading amount down to ca. 0.9 wt%, owing to some stabilization effect by oxygen-containing functional groups. Extended X-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS) analysis for Pt subnanoclusters reveals that the Pt-Pt bond is contracting to a large extent ($$sim$$2.8%) relative to balk values, and upon hydrogen chemisorption, the bond elongates more than the reported values for the 1.0 nm sized Pt nanoparticles.


Electronic structures of ferromagnetic CeAgSb$$_{2}$$; Soft X-ray absorption, magnetic circular dichroism, and angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopies

斎藤 祐児; 藤原 秀紀*; 山口 貴司*; 中谷 泰博*; 森 健雄*; 渕本 寛人*; 木須 孝幸*; 保井 晃*; 宮脇 淳*; 今田 真*; et al.

Journal of the Physical Society of Japan, 85(11), p.114713_1 - 114713_7, 2016/11

 被引用回数:16 パーセンタイル:67.85(Physics, Multidisciplinary)

軟X線吸収(XAS)、磁気円二色性(XMCD)、角度分解光電子分光(ARPES)により強磁性体CeAgSb$$_{2}$$の電子状態を調べた。Ce $$M_{4,5}$$ XASスペクトルのサテライト構造の強度が非常に小さいことから、Ce 4${it f}$電子は非常に局在的であることが明らかとなった。Ce $$M_{4,5}$$ XASの線二色性効果から、Ce 4${it f}$基底状態は${it c}$軸方向を向いた$$Gamma$$$$_{6}$$であることが分かった。XMCD結果は、CeAgSb$$_{2}$$の局在磁性描像を支持する。さらに、ARPESで得られたバンド構造は、CeAgSb$$_{2}$$では無くLaAgSb$$_{2}$$に対するバンド計算結果とよく一致する。しかしながら、Ce 3${it d}$-4${it f}$共鳴ARPES結果では、ブリルアンゾーンの一部でCe 4$$f^{1}_{5/2}$$と4$$f^{1}_{7/2}$$ピーク強度比に波数依存性が観測され、Ce 4${it f}$と伝導電子に無視できない混成効果が有ることが分かった。このことは、CeAgSb$$_{2}$$のあまり大きくない電子比熱係数と関係づけることができる。


Statistical analysis using the Bayesian nonparametric method for irradiation embrittlement of reactor pressure vessels

高見澤 悠; 伊藤 裕人; 西山 裕孝

Journal of Nuclear Materials, 479, p.533 - 541, 2016/10

 被引用回数:7 パーセンタイル:52.40(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

高中性子照射量領域における照射脆化に関して、ノンパラメトリックベイズ法を用いて日本国内の監視試験データや試験炉照射データに対して統計解析を実施した。ノンパラメトリックベイズ法は実測データを正規分布の和で表す解析手法であり、正規分布の数と平均値や分散は実測データの複雑さに応じて決定される。本研究では、照射脆化の主因として考えられている溶質原子クラスタを構成する元素(Cu, Ni, Mn, Si, P)や照射条件を入力パラメータとして、照射脆化との関係を評価した。解析の結果、中性子照射量が異なるデータであっても同じ材料のデータは同じ正規分布に分類されており、中性子照射量に依存した脆化メカニズムが顕在化していないことが示唆された。


Thermoelectric generation based on spin Seebeck effects

内田 健一*; 安立 裕人; 吉川 貴史*; 桐原 明宏*; 石田 真彦*; 萬 伸一*; 前川 禎通; 齊藤 英治*

Proceedings of the IEEE, 104(10), p.1946 - 1973, 2016/10

 被引用回数:230 パーセンタイル:99.18(Engineering, Electrical & Electronic)

The spin Seebeck effect (SSE) refers to the generation of a spin current as a result of a temperature gradient in magnetic materials including insulators. The SSE is applicable to thermoelectric generation because the thermally generated spin current can be converted into a charge current via spin-orbit interaction in conductive materials adjacent to the magnets. The insulator-based SSE device exhibits unconventional characteristics potentially useful for thermoelectric applications, such as simple structure, device-design exibility, and convenient scaling capability. In this article, we review recent studies on the SSE from the viewpoint of thermoelectric applications.


An Integrated approach to source term uncertainty and sensitivity analysis for nuclear reactor severe accidents

Zheng, X.; 伊藤 裕人; 玉置 等史; 丸山 結

Journal of Nuclear Science and Technology, 53(3), p.333 - 344, 2016/03


 被引用回数:12 パーセンタイル:72.01(Nuclear Science & Technology)

Large-scale computer programs simulate severe accident phenomena and often have a moderate-to-large number of models and input variables. Analytical solutions to uncertainty distributions of interested source terms are impractical, and influential inputs on outputs are hard to discover. Additionally, runs of such computer programs, or integral codes, are time-consuming and hence expensive. This article presents an integrated approach to the uncertainty and sensitivity analysis for nuclear reactor severe accident source terms, with an example which simulates an accident sequence similar to that occurred at Unit 2 of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant using an integral code, MELCOR. Monte Carlo based uncertainty analysis has been elaborated to investigate released fractions of representative radionuclides, Cs and CsI. In order to estimate sensitivity of inputs, which have a substantial influence on the core melt progression and the transportation process of radionuclides, a variance decomposition method is applied. Stochastic process, specifically a Dirichlet process, is applied to construct a surrogate model in sensitivity analysis as a substitute of the code. The surrogate model is cross-validated by comparing with corresponding results of MELCOR. The analysis with the simpler model avoids laborious computational cost so that importance measures for input factors are obtained successfully.


Origin of the spin Seebeck effect in compensated ferrimagnets

Gepr$"a$gs, S.*; Kehlberger, A.*; Coletta, F.*; Qiu, Z.*; Guo, E.-J.*; Schulz, T.*; Mix, C.*; Meyer, S.*; Kamra, A.*; Althammer, M.*; et al.

Nature Communications (Internet), 7, p.10452_1 - 10452_6, 2016/02

 被引用回数:164 パーセンタイル:97.41(Multidisciplinary Sciences)

Magnons are the elementary excitations of a magnetically ordered system. Here, we show that the spin Seebeck effect is sensitive to the complexities of the magnon spectrum. The spin Seebeck effect is caused by a thermally excited spin dynamics that is converted to a voltage by the inverse spin Hall effect at the interface to a heavy metal contact. By investigating the temperature dependence of the spin Seebeck effect in the ferrimagnet gadlinium iron garnet, with a magnetic compensation point near room temperature, we demonstrate that high-energy exchange magnons play a key role in the spin Seebeck effect.


平成28年度技術士試験「原子力・放射線部門」対策講座; 平成27年度技術士二次試験「原子力・放射線部門」; そのポイントを探る$$sim$$全体解説、必須科目及び選択科目の設問と解説

高橋 直樹; 芳中 一行; 原田 晃男; 山中 淳至; 上野 隆; 栗原 良一; 鈴木 惣十; 高松 操; 前田 茂貴; 井関 淳; et al.

日本原子力学会ホームページ(インターネット), 64 Pages, 2016/00



Unconventional scaling and significant enhancement of the spin Seebeck effect in multilayers

Ramos, R.*; 吉川 貴史*; Aguirre, M.*; Lucas, I.*; Anad$'o$n, A.*; 小宅 教文*; 内田 健一*; 安立 裕人; 塩見 淳一郎*; Algarabel, P. A.*; et al.

Physical Review B, 92(22), p.220407_1 - 220407_5, 2015/12

 被引用回数:76 パーセンタイル:91.38(Materials Science, Multidisciplinary)

Spin Seebeck effects have been investigated in highly crystalline magnetic multilayer films. Voltage as well as power generated by the spin Seebeck effect were found to be significantly enhanced with increasing the number of layers, $$n$$. This voltage enhancement defies the simple understanding of the spin Seebeck effect and suggests that spin current flowing between the magnetic layers in the thickness direction plays an important role in the multilayer SSE systems and the observed voltage enhancement.

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