※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 

Unusual electronic state of the low-carrier system CeSb under high pressure studied by simultaneous measurement of electrical resistivity and lattice parameter


Hannan, A.*; 岡山 泰*; 長壁 豊隆  ; 桑原 慶太郎*; 神木 正史*

Hannan, A.*; Okayama, Yasushi*; Osakabe, Toyotaka; Kuwahara, Keitaro*; Kogi, Masafumi*


We have studied the origin of the anomalous peak structure of resistivity of the low-carrier system CeSb appeared around the antiferromagnetic transition temperature T$$_{N}$$ under high pressures by means of simultaneous measurement of lattice parameter by X-ray diffraction and resistivity together with neutron diffraction technique. It was found that there is a strong relationship between the unusual decrease of lattice parameter and the unusual increase of resistance below T$$_{N}$$ under high pressure. Both of these phenomena can be explained by the appearance of the $$Gamma$$$$_{8}$$ - like magnetic state of Ce$$^{3+}$$ ion below T$$_{N}$$.



- Accesses




分野:Physics, Multidisciplinary



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