※ 半角英数字
 年 ~ 


Development of borehole sealing technology

池田 幸喜; 島田 邦明*; 大里 和己*

Ikeda, Koki; Shimada, Kuniaki*; Osato, Kazumi*


A borehole that is drilled in high-level nuclear waste site uses for long period between investigation stage and monitoring stage after closing the repository and it is necessary to carry out the sealing of it finally. If the borehole sealing is not complete, the borehole may act as a passage of groundwater flow and performance of the natural barrier that is most important element for intercepting high-level radioactive waste may be influenced by this passage. In this report, we searched and evaluated regarding the recent technology to solve these problems, the problem regarding the relevant technology was abstracted, and the technical development procedure to solve the problem was examined.



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