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Flowsheet study of U-Pu Co-crystallization reprocessing system


本間 俊司*; 石井 淳一; 菊池 俊明*; 近沢 孝弘*; 柴田 淳広  ; 小山 智造; 古閑 二郎*; 松本 史朗*

Homma, Shunji*; Ishii, Junichi; Kikuchi, Toshiaki*; Chikazawa, Takahiro*; Shibata, Atsuhiro; Koyama, Tomozo; Koga, Jiro*; Matsumoto, Shiro*


U-Pu co-crystallization reprocessing system is proposed for LWR fuels and its flowsheet study is carried out. This reprocessing system is based on the experimental evidence indicating that hexavalent plutonium is co-crystallized with uranyl nitrate. The system consists of five steps: dissolution of spent fuel, Pu oxidation, U-Pu co-crystallization, dissolution of the crystals, and U crystallization. The system does not require organic solvent, expecting the enhancement of safety and cost-effectiveness. The system requires a recycling of the mother liquor from the U-Pu co-crystallization step to recover almost entire amount of U and Pu. The appropriate recycle ratio is determined for LWR fuels, such that the satisfactory decontamination is achieved. The mother liquor from the U re-crystallization step contains U and Pu. The flowsheet study shows that the constant ratio of Pu to U in the mother liquor can be controlled even though the composition of the spent fuel is different.



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分野:Nuclear Science & Technology



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