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Development of the CAD/MCNP automatic conversion code: GEOMIT, 2; Developed contents and its overview of the GEOMIT

CAD/MCNP自動変換コード: GEOMITの開発,2; GEOMITの開発内容と概要

Nasif, H.*; 益田 福三*; Noha, S.*; 山田 政男*; 諸田 秀嗣*; 飯田 浩正; 佐藤 聡; 今野 力  ; 西谷 健夫

Nasif, H.*; Masuda, Fukuzo*; Noha, S.*; Yamada, Masao*; Morota, Hidetsugu*; Iida, Hiromasa; Sato, Satoshi; Konno, Chikara; Nishitani, Takeo


GEOMIT is the CAD/MCNP conversion interface code. It is developed to automatically generate MCNP surface and cell cards from CAD data. GEOMIT uses sequential query language (SQL) to store the CAD data in the form of database tables to minimize the memory usage during the conversion processes. GEOMIT has a capability to produce void cells as well as solid cells without using complement operator. CAD data of International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) benchmark model has been converted successfully to MCNP geometrical input. The first wall neutron loading calculations agree very well with other countries results.



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