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Sr$$_2$$RuO$$_4$$のスピン三重項超伝導状態におけるスピン波励起の理論; 多バンド模型による計算

Theory of spin-wave excitation in the spin-triplet superconducting state of Sr$$_2$$RuO$$_4$$; Multi-band calculation

野村 拓司; 平島 大*

Nomura, Takuji; Hirashima, Dai*


We discuss possible collective spin-wave excitation in the spin-triplet superconducting state of the ruthenate superconductor Sr$$_2$$RuO$$_4$$. Using a realistic multi-band electronic structure and the superconducting gap structure obtained by microscopic calculation, we calculate the in-plane spin susceptibility and obtain the collective spin excitation spectrum. Fluctuation effect of the triplet-pairing condensate on the in-plane susceptibility is taken into account. As a result from rotational symmetry breaking in spin space, collective spin excitation mode can appear in the in-plane spin susceptibility.



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