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Report No.

Basic knowledge on treating various wastes generated from practical operation of metal pyro-reprocessing

Nakayoshi, Akira  ; Kitawaki, Shinichi ; Fukushima, Mineo; Kurata, Masaki* ; Yahagi, Noboru*

Pyro-reprocessing is one of the promising reprocessing methods for recycling spent nuclear fuels generated from fast reactors. Comparing to the conventional aqueous-processes, following benefits are expected when introducing the pyro-reprocessing, such as reduction of environmental burden, enhancement of proliferation-resistant, enhancement of economical potential, efficient utilization of nuclear resources. The pyro-reprocessing will therefore become more attractive not only in developed countries regarding nuclear energy, but also in developing countries. As for reducing environmental burden, the most important subject is establishment of the nuclear fuel cycle, in which actinide elements are closed. Various kinds of intermediate waste which contains actinide elements are formed in the practical operation not only from the main steps of the pyro-reprocessing but also from related sub-streams.



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