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Report No.

Study on evaluation method of potential impact of natural phenomena on a HLW disposal system

Kawamura, Makoto; Oi, Takao ; Niizato, Tadafumi  ; Yasue, Kenichi; Tokiwa, Tetsuya; Niwa, Masakazu   ; Shimada, Koji   ; Kurosawa, Hideki; Asamori, Koichi; Kawachi, Susumu; Ebashi, Takeshi; Kitamura, Akira  ; Ishimaru, Tsuneari ; Makino, Hitoshi ; Umeda, Koji; Seo, Toshihiro 

In this report, we sophisticated the framework as a part of the total system performance assessment for two purposes: the first one is quantification of relationship of characteristic of natural phenomena between geological environmental conditions (THMCG), and the other one is quantification of relationship of THMCG condition between parameters of performance assessment. On the other hand, we applied the sophisticated framework to all natural phenomena. As a result, to apply the sophisticated framework, we could show that information integration could carry out efficiently. Moreover, we have checked that the framework was applicable to all phenomena. Furthermore, we could show that suitable scenarios might be chosen by information integration.



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