Development of worldwide version of system for prediction of environmental emergency dose information; WSPEEDI 2nd version
寺田 宏明 ; 永井 晴康 ; 古野 朗子 ; 掛札 豊和; 原山 卓也*; 茅野 政道
Terada, Hiroaki; Nagai, Haruyasu; Furuno, Akiko; Kakefuda, Toyokazu; Harayama, Takaya*; Chino, Masamichi
The second version of WSPEEDI (WSPEEDI-II) which has functions to predict the radiological impact of nuclear accident abroad on Japan by quick calculations of air concentration, surface deposition and radiological doses is developed. WSPEEDI-II has the following functions for practical use. (1) High performance prediction of atmospheric dispersion of radionuclides from local to regional ranges with appropriate resolutions by introducing non-hydrostatic atmospheric dynamic model. (2) Source term estimation by coupling calculation results and monitoring data for the case that no source information is available from abroad. (3) On-line prediction data exchanges with major emergency response systems in the United States and Europe with the similar functions as WSPEEDI-II. (4) Web-based graphical user interface system for easy operation of WSPEEDI-II. (5) Preset East-Asian database for the quick start against a nuclear accident in Eastern Asia. This paper describes these new functions.