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A Study of new preparation method for AMS targets

片山 淳 ; 亀尾 裕 ; 中島 幹雄; 松崎 浩之*

Katayama, Atsushi; Kameo, Yutaka; Nakashima, Mikio; Matsuzaki, Hiroyuki*


The determination of $$^{129}$$I by accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) has generally been used measurement targets from AgI precipitation. For more sensitive determination of $$^{129}$$I, it is necessary to reduce the quantity of iodine carrier for precipitation. But, more than 1mg is the amount of carrier stable iodine needed at present to make a reliable sample treatment and AMS determination. In this study, we examined the basics of procedures of the direct measurement target that used adsorption reaction of the molecular iodine to the metal silver surface in substitution for precipitation. Using this procedure, we have prepared measurement targets with a carrier from 1 to 0.2 mg iodine.



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