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中性子反射体用ベリリウムの長寿命化に関する予備検討,1; 中性子照射キャプセル及びキャプセル開封装置の製作

Preliminary study for long life as beryllium reflector, 1; Fabrication of irradiation capsule and dismounted device of capsule

塙 善雄; 田口 剛俊 ; 坪井 一明; 斎藤 隆; 石川 和義; 綿引 俊介; 土谷 邦彦 

Hanawa, Yoshio; Taguchi, Taketoshi; Tsuboi, Kazuaki; Saito, Takashi; Ishikawa, Kazuyoshi; Watahiki, Shunsuke; Tsuchiya, Kunihiko


Beryllium has been utilized as a moderator and/or reflector in a number of material testing reactors. Beryllium frames and beryllium reflectors, which have been utilized as neutron reflector in Japan Materials Testing Reactor (JMTR) in JAEA, were fabricated beryllium metals of S-200F grade. Especially, it is necessary to exchange the beryllium frames every fixed period and there frames were exchanged six times up to the JMTR operation periods of 165 cycles. Therefore, preliminary irradiation test of beryllium metals was performed from 162 to 165 cycles of JMTR operations as a part of development on long life of beryllium reflectors. Two kinds of beryllium metals (S-200F and S-65C) were prepared in this test. This report is described the design study and fabrication of irradiation capsule of beryllium metals and dismount device of irradiation capsule.



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